Daily Dose of Love, Face

Gepubliceerd op 27 december 2024 om 23:00

Okay, I know we're mostly focussing on the personality right now, but I just have to interrupt the flow because have you seen that perfect face of yours?! At this point it almost has to be magic because how do you just have the cutest freakin face this whole world has ever seen. That smile is so darn bright that I can still see the glint on the horizon 13000 Kilometers away. Your eyes are the prettiest shade of brown, when you look at me, the warmth coming off of those eyes would beat any summer day in South Africa. I am gonna need you to stare at me a bit longer because I am finding my future in those eyes of yours. And those lips? Looking like the softest pillows I just want to plant a million kisses on. I'm feeling like I would pass out simply by hearing my name pass those lips of yours. I will get back to our regularly scheduled programming but honestly, I just had to brag about how pretty my princess is. Because you really are the most beautiful princess in this whole entire world. I love you princess❤️

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