Daily Dose of Love, The way you love me

Gepubliceerd op 12 januari 2025 om 23:00

I know I've mentioned before how I have never felt loved the way you love me and I stand by this wholeheartedly. You have a way of filling my heart with warmth where I just have no other choice but to smile and feel a joy so pure I have to start wearing sunglasses 24/7 because it just lights up my life. Your words have a way of finding my heart and putting it in a chokehold where I can't do anything but just love you as you take my breath away. There is nothing in this world that could ever convince me that you and I don't belong together. I will make sure to return the love any way I possibly can to make sure you are cared for and loved right. You are my everything and I will make sure you get everything that beautiful heart of yours desires.

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