A Special Message

Gepubliceerd op 14 januari 2025 om 16:18

I come here before you today to make a few statements with Klee as my witness. I hereby state that my girlfriend and future wife is allowed to change any and all interior choices to fit her whims and desires. This includes but is not limited to the interior in our house, our car, our shed, the garden and any other place of residence we reside in. She is also allowed to ask me to do whatever she wishes in regards to DIY projects and remoddeling, I will then proceed to figure out a way to quickly and efficiently put her plans in to actions. These tasks may include but again are not limited to: Removing carpet, painting the walls, changing the cupboards, etc.. She is my adorable Princess who I love more than life, she will live a life spoiled and loved like no one has ever seen before. This is a promise I make and will upkeep till the day I die. Thank you for listening.

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